We're sorry. Please bear with us.
OOP stuck chewing gum in their ears...
Should I sue my doctor or employer?
I'm so sick of self appointed "lesbian defender" non-lesbians using us just to bully other queer women.
Has anyone watched Arcane high and fallen in love with Cait and Vi's characters in the series? It's an absolute masterpiece!
Get out-metaphored, tyrant!
Victorian boy, 16, drank himself to death at family Christmas lunch, court hears | Victoria
anyone else with animals love to get high while decorating enclosures
feel like a goof lol
New-to-this-sub Update to OOP's parents resent him for starting his own family
AIO Girlfriend (f27) is wanting me (m31) to attend her works corporate party as a plus and I don’t feel comfortable with it (New Update)
AI Generated shirt found at Lowes in Kardinya
Need help from witches who get high (ghost/spirit related)
Some days you say why knot
DAE get random nausea attacks? Please help!!!
people not stepping aside to let you off the bus
🍃Toke & Tend🍃
Finally found THE bong and she hits so smooth 🍃💚🍃
Xmas prezzie for myself🥰
young woman with disabled parking pass experience
Puff, puff, politics with the Suffragents!
Calling all the creative stoner gals! Need help coming up with an idea similar to a weed advent calendar!
Should these be in the fridge?
I wish MyChart only allowed facts instead of personal opinions on patients that can be used against them
ordering my weed legally for the first time! i’m so happy this is finally an option for the australian stoners