first bike, thoughts?
Cat only vocal when high ?
16th birthday is coming up? what type of car should she get? 😊
Today my boy passed away due to cancer.
Hi i’ve had this one for over 2 months and the bump would not to down. I only use unicura soap in the shower. Has anyone has got the same and does it go away? Mop
Top of the Morning.
What’s your tortie’s name?
What's everyone's opinions on these so far?
loudest purr ever!
i got my piercing 9 days ago and its pussing out of both side like crazy, ive been cleaning it with saline solution but its still doing that, i wanted to know if something is wrong with it or not b4 i take it out . please help
Before I try this, what would you rate it?
piercing rejecting
motorcycle mileage
Let the light in won the color yellow. Which song most represents green?
Actors whose movies you’ll always go see if you see their name attached to it.
snapchat question
24F. I don't like my face one bit. I know im ugly, but is it really that bad?
perfumes that smell like a crime scene
Is it infected?
Red nails, yes or no?
Give me your top 3 metalcore vocalists
are nipple piercings worth it?
Prefer before or after?
Do I (27F) get a divorce from my (37M) husband?
Do you guys have to clean the tunnel while it's running?