Looking at buying this Hornbeam. Do they backbud well?
Is this root a keeper?
Quitting nicotine causes flares.
Week Recap: Is the worst behind us? Mar. 10, 2025 - Mar. 14, 2025
Weekend Discussion Thread for the Weekend of March 14, 2025
What dosage of ketotifen helped you?
Movers left some nice marks for us. Is the security deposit gone?
My doctors are NOT on the same page about me having POTS
Wie würdet ihr dazu stehen wenn die Linke gemeinsam mit der AfD den neuen Bundestag einberufen würde bevor nächste Woche die Grundgesetzänderung durchgeführt werden kann?
Is there a way to build a spinning clothes drying rack?
Bought German in Norway. I have never Club-Mate
Do you ever see a tree and think: am I in love?
I give it a year before AI video is completely indistinguishable from reality.
Best and Worst Countries for Long Covid Treatment?
Could this be POTS
i wish my life was different
chest pain
How do yall deal with sexual urges?
Thoughts on this? I’d love req on a cheaper turntable
Do these Red Wings need resoling?
How do condoms feel?
Are these done for? Or is it repairable?