Balise (top 1 player in multiple seasons) BANNED for abusing invisibility exploit on stream
Increase in tbagging behavior? Makes me sad...
Hands down the most fun I've had with a gun.
Me after another day of trying to convince my friends to try The Finals (this is the 50th time I’ve brought it up and they will never try it)
A release player wanting to get back into the game, is my build still viable?
This isn't even fair...
Why there is still so much input lag ?
It's interesting to see the (Reddit) community say the minigun is weak.
Minigun Is kinda trash
Mini-gun is too much fun
The tattoos on this skin look so good!
The tattoos on this skin look sexy AF!
POV you're a light
Permanently Banned - Unsure Why
Some bigger content creators are posting their videos right now. Make sure to send some love.
Amethyst in quickplay maybe?
I'm sorry, but the older store was so much better and easier to navigate.
It's nice seeing this guy hop back in. Brings a lot of new eyes to the game.
Why don't these start of season players stick around?
Finally we can actually see what game mode people are in!
New Meatspace Merch
This is interesting
Ayo, wtf is this!?
Revolver Is Completely Pointless Now
We are so unbelievably back