People who just shoved papers in their backpacks and weren’t organized in school, where are you at now?
Who had the worst chat log/calls?
What is the origin of Godzilla?
Think of a TCAP theme park
Musk's father sticks up for his evil Nazi son
Is it wrong that every time I drive past a McDonald's this shitbag replays in my head?
Whats a movie everyone loves but you can’t stand?
I’m surprised it hasn’t happened more.
I just came to get something to eat!!!!!
What is the best food to eat hot sauce with?
favorite character that you had a dream with?
What's the weird thing going on with your body that isn't weird enough to go to the doctor for?
[SpongeBob SquarePants]
What was Chris’s lamest line or question?
Anthony Phillips was a 21 year old unaired predator that was caught in the Flagler Beach sting. He never had to register as a sex offender & eventually became a police officer.
What do you dislike the most about the country you're from?
What do you do to feel better when you're depressed?
Spamming this isn’t gonna make Palestine free
Which celebrity is infamous?
Everyone give me one song any genre
[Family Guy]
Hi Tcapers! Love your sub! My name is Sonny Derek Porter
WImpy kid | fanfiction
What is a sign that someone is a good person?
Dr Jeffrey Beck: One of the most dangerous & disturbing predators ever caught.