Who else found the scene of Phil covered in Gloria’s underwear hilarious?
Um… ew?
favorite gallagher?
My name is Coo
Just turned 40, give it to me straight
YALL I can’t
I’m glad to see he’s making light
my dad, telling me he couldn’t pick me up from a violent work outbreak because he was in D&D
who would do number 6 lol
Found a nice one yall.
Girls adds me to set her up with her friend and when I ask for more information she gets aggressive and rude
Didn’t even make it past the second message. I’m so close to just giving up on dating all together. I’m just so done.
I found! Don’t try to be nice to a nice girl.
Whelp…that went well.
Give me a random fact about yourself and I’ll guess your name
How do people seem so normal at first and then this?
My wife thinks I have too much
Watch Inside Out Movie online
CBS's 'Georgie & Mandy's First Marriage' Premieres October 17th.
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