Love My Dog to Death, But I’ll Never Support This Breed Again
I find it weird...
weight estimate
We need a new show!
What do you wish you’d known about your breed before getting one?
Unique girl names starting with a G.
Post Op
A year and a half ago I lost my favorite girl 😔
Find out Gender or to Wait!?
Opinions on Covid vaccine for infants
What are your working hours?
How much of a red flag is it if I cannot speak to a current teacher at a school?
Trying In-N-Out for the first time on Monday! Top liked comment decides my order.
Favorite romcom?
Which 3 tapes are you grabbing for a fun 90s movie night?📼🍕🍿
What’s a Show so Deep, That You’re Still Thinking about it Years Later?
Airport Security Procedures?
Need Freezer Stocking Ideas!
Whoever in this group turned me on to the Spicy Potato Taco, thank you x1000!!!!
Potato Soft Taco
Favorite New Costco Find - Kimchi Pickles
Bought Tofu, kimchi and rice bowls
If your household income was $500,000, how would your experience as a mom change?
If the person you hate the most were to experience one slight inconvenience every day for the rest of their lives, what would you choose it to be?