AITAH for refusing to delete my Instagram even though my boyfriend says it's "disrespectful" to him?!?
I stole a couple thousand from someone else's workplace
My Brother Won the Lottery… But I Swapped Our Tickets
Los Angeles Daily Discussion - Tuesday, Mar 18
Do any of you get so stressed that you start having diarrhea?
Loans paid off!!
Movies that would make me enjoy life again and give me hope and happiness
Considering Getting a Dog for the first time
Investigative podcasts that get your heart pounding?
My snl host wishlist.
Trump Memo Reveals Plan to Throw Social Security Into Chaos
How Can I Handle Seeing My Former Toxic Manager and Colleagues at an Industry Conference?
Does anyone else “save money” by getting shopping delivered?
Los Angeles Daily Discussion - Monday, Mar 17
Mikey from Georgia is THE WORST
Baked potato chips came out looking like used condoms
90s goodness 🦋🐞🌹
What profession would you never date?
Did he touch his Tonight Show money to buy this???
Jay Leno spotted driving a tank in SFV
“how lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard” 💕
I adopted this handsome fella from the shelter last week. I named him Karl. He sure is a loving lil boy.
2020 Election investigations?
I thought this kind of neat for $12
NOTHING prepared me for how delicious dark chocolate orange sticks are