Что вы считаете на счет любви с первого взгляда?
Gotta study to keep the streak. Who's in?
is it really possible to stay consistent and have some order in studying?
Ask me how I haven't burnt out yet (I probably have)
Какие у вас хобби?
Как заставить себя учиться?
Как дела?
a bit of weakness
LPT: At 38, I've found these unconventional productivity hacks more effective than any software or planner.
близкий человек прекратил со мной общение из-за религиозных убеждений
Am I allowed to be in this chat? My name is nsfw but my post history isn’t
Как относитесь к религии?
Can't listen to anything
знатоки, как вы пользуетесь спотифаем из РФ?
Не могу получить зависимость от никотина
18f – looking for someone to practice speaking of English with
is there any generalizing word to call lakes, rivers, ponds etc?
What is the one book you wish you could read again for the 1st time
your first album in the generator?
DROP your album and its rating - Jan 31, 2025
ПрезидентКА, премьер-министрША, директорША и иные феминитивы
Какую музыку вы слушаете?
18f - random question: what's your favorite movie and why?
it's kinda stupid but is it really necessary to conform to stereotypes about lesbians?