Alternatives to Storygraph?
Age gap with a man who is her fathers age
What are some booked you DNFd and why?
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calling avid goodreads users!
What’s a book that holds a special place in your heart despite what the book is ?
Is there hope for ECT and SSRI induced emotional blunting/apathy to ever go away?
Looking for ECT recovery stories. For hope.
Emotional numbing / apathy caused by ECT
Emotional numbing/apathy caused by ECT
What can be done to reverse emotional blunting/apathy caused by ECT?
What can be done to resolve emotional numbing/apathy caused by ECT for severe depression?
Reddit, what is some serious & helpful advice for managing severe post-breakup loneliness for someone *without* any close friendships or a social circle to rely on? Personal experiences are welcome.
Useful advice for battling loneliness after a painful breakup *without* any close, meaningful friendships to rely on?
What is something you bought yourself post-breakup?
Favorite characters that aren't from the main 6?