Where do I find ube-flavored food and drinks in Atlanta?
Ryan Doppelgänger
Hi, I weight 252 I'm 5'11" but I can't find a person to date. Am I ugly or fat or both?
Who on earth is this??
Papaya seed parasite cleanse
Johnsons baby cologne
Season 2?
Does this warrant a vet visit?
Dog started this yesterday on walks only in specific spots
What is this?
I GOT IT!!!!
I’m looking to get back into tea. I want to hear your favorite and why!
What do i do with these?
I made the Tropical Curry from the cookbook!
Y'all should try Expanded
We are so back
Chicken of the woods in Atlanta, GA
💎Lab vs mined💎
Nclex shut off at 153~ish. What does that mean?? It was so hard I feel like I failed
Culinary Class Wars Episodes 8-10 Discussion Thread
How to repair this?
little booties I saw today at HD!! 🍑
Today’s haul
How can I take care of my monstera