Would you pay people to give you patpats and hugs?
how to clear my skin and get rid of dark circles, im 17
For context, just ended a bulk so i have a lil face fat, 17m
I hate idioms!
Fall bruise removal/reduction
My mom says I have a uti because I dont use soap to wash my vulva??
this guy is selling his dirty old broken headphones for $375,000. he only has 11k monthly listeners on spotify
Everything burns and I'm so dry
Being the only boy in my friends group was very isolating experience, had to put up a with lot of bullying
These braids took 4 days please clap 😭
Seeking advice on back-acne scars before wedding
Can anyone tell me why I have discoloration around my mouth, nose, and nose area
Does anyone have any suggestions for what I can add to my cosplay?
How people nowadays see autism
My hatred of HR cannot be fully expressed or quantified
The sheer dildo of my flatmate
What’s a good hand cream for crepey skin and why is it good
Dangerous Playgrounds of the 1970s - Photos That Prove Safety Wasn’t a Priority
the usual medical gaslighting, nauseous randomly throughout the day?
Sleeping Puck
Why have tampons changed ? They don’t expand at all anymore.
Should I buy these shoes if I wanna use them everyday for school
What does my fridge say about me?