What song sounds loving but the lyrics are sad?
ABCs with Conan: P
ABCs with Conan: O
Who thought the blonde girl in Driver's License was shorter than Olivia, not older?!
ABCs with Conan: N
Do yall name your instrument(s)
Give us a lyric from another artist, we will give you a Taylor lyric with the same vibe ✨
Is there any good name starting in Y?
Taylor Swift songs that calms you?
ABCs with Conan: M
ABCs with Conan: L
How did you meet Mel? I met her because a girl from my elementary school uploaded a part of the alphabet boy video, and that's where it all started
ABCs with Conan Day 11: K
Songs that have made you cry?
ABCs with Conan Day 10: J
What are some lyrical contradictions Taylor's made throughout her discography?
Who is this weird redhead next to billie in all her pictures (wrong answers only)
ABCs with Conan Day 9: I
what are the most hated songs by taylor?
ABCs with Conan Day 8: H
What’s a song that you grew to like, and a song you grew to hate?
What’s your streak? I just started lol
Which Taylor Song Do You Think Should Get More Love?
ABCs with Conan Day 7: G
Anyone think the font looks similar