my studio mixes their own glazes, and I'm geeking out over this!
Ridgewood Gardens
So are we going to skip over Chloe's borderline pedo vibes?
TIL Neil Armstrong claims he said “One small step for A man…” but the “A” was dropped in transmission
advice please!!
End of friendships
How many people have you non-physically hurt?
need advice: what to do with these
I recently started getting into houseplants, is this a bit excessive?
No Ribbon for Me But That’s Okay
Coozies - are they a southern thing?
WTAF?! Nothing says true love like a public chokehold!
Dating in NYC
I’m watching everything for the first time in order and this is the best episode yet IMO
Thrift shop gave me this badly damaged designer bag for free - I’ve had this patch for years now it has a new life! Swipe to see
Miracle grow orchid mist
Blessings Deli
My grandma in (1950) at 15 years old & (2015) at 80 years old ⏱️$
When is too early to vacuum?
Abandoned mansion with everything left behind (UK)
Groceries and Restaurants that sell Asian dishes that are grab-and-go
I'm 15 and pregnant.
My grandaunt Jeanne (right) and partner Anne in front of their hobby shop in Philadelphia, 1940
What is this black stuff in the corner of my tub?
Upcycled old bank bags into a work apron