Why did Gus have Jesse kidnapped in season 4 finale?
Who do you think the Bojack characters would vote for?
Lydia’s Daughter
I ask my wife to do a Breakingbad character quizz and this is her result. Should I be worried?
What two BB characters did you wish had screen time together but never did
What would have happened if Walter got type 2 diabetes instead of cancer
How accurate is the portrayal of cerebral palsy?
Anyone take away any type of inspiration from BB?
Name a character no one can make you hate
Best uncle to their respective nephews
What part of a song in Hadestown does this for you?
Todd’s one liners
What moments from the show still haunt you? For me, it’s the end of Season 2
I laughed the first time I heard Walter deliver this line...
Why didn’t Jesse bring Badger and Pete to the methhead house?
Favourite episode title?
How much did you pay to see the Eras Tour?