Help Fixing a Polished Table
Joggers, amirite
We lost Keith Flint 5 years ago yesterday
Can spaghetti goes to anything other than tomato sauce?
Life Sciences laboratory workers
Life Sciences laboratory work
A time to remember: Windows XP
The smarter we are getting, the more we are discovering about the reality surrounding us, the more unhappy we may get. But then we come to a point of realization, that we have everything we need within.
Antibiotics have messed me up. What can help?
Burial - Etched Headplate (2007)
Boys, what the actual f?
This butcher shop is leaving the leftovers outside so stray dog can have something during the day.
New beginning 🧡👀
Is there a sub for trying to predict the future? With current affairs etc?
Bovista plumbea, commonly known az "horse fart" in Hungarian. found in Hargita, Romania.
Borrowing a fan's coat to dry the wet ball
What’s a good movie involving guys just hanging out together?
Bunch of young men rescue a street dog that was washed away by a flood in Turkey
New Zealand's women's rugby team perform a haka after winning a gold
Rare Picture of famous scientist/inventor Nikola Tesla with a Girl on a Beach
Back to the room we go
I am quite addicted to stoned meditation. I am not ashamed of it to stop either
5 Things You Need to Learn If You Want To Be Happy
An open letter to all climate scientists: Time to tell it like it is