What's your favorite armor set?
What's your favourite Ash of war?
If Silksong comes out in 2026, I will buy everyone that comments in here the game AND the platform they play it on
Windows XP Protogen (art by me)
What will you say?
Helping a friend (Art by me)
This is a surprisingly lukewarm reaction to Shattered Space
Minecraft movie looks garbage
Who would win in a three way fight?
Say the first word that pops into your head...
Minecraft's twitter account posted this image.
Update on the guy who is trying to crack Denuvo
The Halo TV Show has been cancelled after 2 seasons
Ce ati facut prajitilor la contestatii?
comment where ur from
Hot Take, I think that Halo 4 Marine's aren't that bad and i think that most people say about Halo 4 Marines being ugly mean only far left marine variant.
At least he apologized
Elder Scrolls 6 and Procedural Generation
Saw this supposed "leak" on /v/ a few days back. People seemed to believe it. What do you think?
I have finally reach Hero rank after so much time and effort. Have you reached it? How close are you from getting it?
How do you decide who to take out first?
What would your ideal mod look like?