MLA investigation/ pathophysiology heavy?
Lost my BRP, travelling next week
how many hours a week do you work and what is your position?
Campaign to prioritise UK home grads and increase places for speciality training.
When does the pain stop?
Ask me anything from the world of medicine
What grade are you and where do you shop?
same old passmed vs quested
PIA Ranking and Deanery
Edinburgh Medical School
Does anyone have recommendations for a small energy efficient freezer?
resitting exams i wasnt expecting, not enough time!
Starting F1 soon and thinking of adopting a cat, is that doable?
Is doing a masters part time in foundation year worth it?
Things Doctors Shouldn’t Have To Pay For
Why the emphasis on age for doctors?The first question people ask (is how old are you)?
is it a bad idea to ask my year lead this?
Hi everyone, I want to buy two tickets for Taylor Swift's last night in Paris. I don't know if the budget is enough for 30-50 euros. The mountaintop ticket
Glasgow vs Leicester for med???
How long is your study leave before the MLA
When are you all taking drastic action?
Are these well rounded rotations?
I need advice regarding preparing and studying for STEP 1 as a complete rookie
Taylor Swift Eras Tour Paris
Giving away my notes for free