Ranking the March 2025 Demonlist, watching every single one of these levels was a massive pain (warning: bad opinions)
I got 48 on Codependence solo! Finally broke through the barrier that is the end of dual 3 but I still have a long way to go
I did dual 4 of solo Codependence! This is by far the hardest part of the level and I've been trying to do this on and off for way too long
I got 42 on solo Codependence! I hope to get to and fully learn dual 4 now
Which GDDL tier are you in?
Weird PDA voiceline I got (I was definitely not doing it either)
Future ACE landmark?
What is your worst death? I’ll start
I beat Napalm! Pretty fun easy extreme
Conical Depression 100% (garbage demon)
Big challenge for the people!
what do you think hes jumping to
I beat Conical Depression! This level is so good I feel like it gets way too much hate
What’s the hardest non-completion you’ve done and is it harder than your hardest?
Tell me your favorite [Air Row Janknamics] roller coaster and I’ll determine if you’ll be allowed into the party.
Whats your most heartbreaking death? (Me first)
I officially made the worst stalemate mashup ever
Played ISpy with all the lights off 😭😭
how big is the gap between your hardest and your fifth hardest?
Is there a certain thing you wish to achieve before quitting GD?
Has anyone beaten truly invisible deadlocked?
What was a level that totally wrecked you?
What do you think is the best reddit player
Do people even use the W key?