Dirt Path Blocks Disappearing
teams for Miyabi?
is soldier 11 worth building?
what characters might be good to build?
Samsung S23 FE battery
Hades 2 Early Access is out!
advice for doing M.Sc in Psychology
Perma ult xiao
Any B.Sc Psychology peeps here?
Idk how much it looks like xiao but i tried lol
Is pes good for bsc psychology
How much resin did you spend farming Vermillion?
finally completed my build (kinda)
Finally got an onset sands rate the build.
can anyone tell me if this is a good rank?
average xiao main experience in the Lost Valley domain
team suggestions for kaveh?
I'm stuck maxing out at like 30k damage. Aside from boosting CD and getting 2 pc ATK buff, what can I do?
my xiao build at AR 59 (wish i could make him better)
Quick Q about double Geo
To Xiao mains that swithed from 2pcVV & 2pcGlad to vermillion, was the change drastic?
I’m bored so I’m asking various genshin main subs who they ship with their mains… so who do you ship with xiao?
who should be my 4th person on my xiao team? ive heard people say the last spot is pretty flexible but that doesnt really help and i still don't know who to put there
Just finished TGCF … what am I supposed to do now
What are your go to XIAO teams?