How to tell if going officer is worth it (NG)
I'm the baby blue bitch and I am now in the Minnesota Army NG
How do you maintain your car when you're gone for extended periods of time?
Out of all the benefits they could promote in this advertisement they chose how great being a single parent as a drill sergeant is.
Dan Hooker vs Ignacio Bahamondes, WHO WINS?
NattyG’s when drill weekends a range qual…
The only ones that can save us from the Caucasus takeover
How do you decide what path to take? (Reclass/IST)
A movie that gets better every time you watch it.
Best non-stem degree that's benefitted you for NG/Reserves?
I mostly get it but what kinda maths test takes 3 days for only two questions?
Branching Signal/Finance
Does Vermont National Guard cover 100% tuition of public Vermont universities?
One of Niko's best crash outs
Can’t decide
should i take diagnostic medical sonographing as a major?
Any advice for reclassing and dreading a long AIT?
Get out or commission
Your reminder to put in that packet
Best MOS’s for high paying civilian jobs?
Has anyone ever went AGR > AD?
What could possibly be the context behind this?
Help me choose a major
What's your go-to exercises for getting a good ACFT score?
Army sending another 1,000 troops to US-Mexico border