Supervisor tells OPM to shove it.
Fasting is harder once your bf% goes down?
72 Hour fasting for healing and not weightloss how often? Salt water flush.
Refeeding Meals
Psoas tightness is no joke!
Quality of life as a female Marine Corps Officer
MCRD SD SgtMaj in the Brig
Age waiver
My girl is going to the marines. Am i cooked?
Lost 11.2 pounds during 8 day fast
Failed asvab
OCC Dates
Virgin alert: My first pap smear hurt like hell
Do the drug test upon arrival at OCS
Extra Items to Pack? (Tape Brand Recommendations)
Medical Disqualifications
Age Waivers past 33?
Running Supplements
How long for waivers?
Lost Another Brother.
What are my chances?
Active Duty Capt on B-Billet Tour. AMA
35 pounds to go