Looks damn good
Found an old family photo from some festival or parade, long story short I tuned it into an Oasis album cover
What do yall think of this price
Favourite post-2000 Bowie song?
No lying! What’s the first CD you ever bought when CD’s started to become a thing?
Saw this in a movie what type of Sunglasses is this?
From the front page
His work has influenced people's lives.
1 Year Apart
Giveaway! Comment to enter. U.S. only (sorry). Audio-Technica AT-LP70X
New tattoo!
Oh rlly?
Some fairly rare pics I've accumulated
This empty church on a mountain in “Switzerland”
This empty church on a mountain in Switzerland
My favorite song atm
What song comes to mind?
Beautiful day in my ass
Disappointed in my ass
Unpopular opinion
I love 🌈
spotify++ no longer working (not what you think)
The last half minute of JUPiTER should be an actual song
Moon music is INFINITELY better than MOTS and it’s not even close
Pink Floyd Sell Music and Likeness Rights to Sony for $400 Million
For those who have heard it, how does MOON MUSiC compare to The Escapist?
Albums with both X and Y in the title...
Coldplay Collection