Sange, Yasha, and Kaya Upgrade Options
what makes you mask come off instantly?
M24 don’t hold back guys
3 months into learning Rust, coming from C and OS dev - My thoughts so far
wrong picture
How to inform the Rust compiler of an enforced integer range?
A Hero you like but can't play out of difficult
Which hero has the best voice in game?
Назовите мне хотя бы одну вещь грустнее чем это
Do you ever get bored or find it less fulfilling?
Why is Geg Hose naked here? Is he slutty?
Around the tower juke
LSD and alcohol
Is this weed?
С кем познакомились бы, с ней или с ним?
Side Lane shops
Is it even possible to get this combination?
Why am I always disgusted of meat when on LSD?
Айтишники, что самое безумное вы слышали об IT?
Where could I find a rust programmer to review my project codebase (under 3k lines) I'd pay ofc.
Whales are fucking terrifying mutated horses who are stuck in a gigantic weirdly shaped scary mass of meat. Im scared, help.
44-44 in 44:44. Lucky number for today!
Is Morphling a better support pick than Rubick?
favorite episode(s)?