Pet associate
Just a little positivity (pt. 2)
Pet Smart Betas need help ASAP
Cashiers: I paid with card but receipt shows cash
DXM piss test
My homies monster had this shit in it.
how do i make the stock market visable?
Customers standing there after you explained buy 2, get the 3rd 50% off, for the 5th time
u gof=
I made a lil fellar
what's your CRUELEST opinion?
Tripping for the first time and I’m geeked
Lemme sleep please
I will be taking 7 tabs within the next 10 mins anything you guys have for me to consider before I am gone?
Just dosed 5 blotter tabs, currently 11:35 pm. Wish me luck!
Boutta mix 520 freebase and nitrous, wish me luck
Is Sale Star working properly?
Mr. Based most recent scandal gets 11M views on one tweet alone. What do you think this means for Josh or Based?
Grief from losing friend to dxm
Miss ya mate
Cannot enter state to verify identity
I’m fuxking interfrla tic
On a 510 mg come up