Would you rather have the first or second half of every album?
Songs about that girl you met for a day and then never saw again?
TikTok Plans Immediate US Shutdown on Sunday
If Elliott Smith appeared in your bedroom and offered to play you one song, which one would you choose and why?
Any Elliott Smith songs that are “easy” to play, or are beginner friendly?
What was your 2024 Elliott theme song?
easiest elliott smith songs on guitar
Make PHCJ Great Again
Another cover of everything reminds me of her
What are your favorite Elliot live performances?
Do guitar skills transfer well?
self taught guitarists, what path did you follow?
Worst album in my top 25?
Was civil war a documentary
Sold my Ford Focus for this CS. Good deal?
Why doesn't We Major have a higher rating?
The Whale (2022)'s first look at Killers of the Flower Moon (2023)
Anybody else rubbish at strumming so switched to fingerstyle?
What are the easiest Elliott songs to sing and play guitar at the same time?
Spoke 5 days too soon. Sorry Thom.
Sight Reading - worth it for Bass guitar?
Self tittled
5 stages of grief
Top 10 albums ever