What superhero's secret identity would you like to see as part of a plot or make a good story?
Do you genuinely think that you’re good at giving oral?
People who met their closest friends later in life: what is the key to making & sustaining deep-rooted friendships as an adult?
Do you like giving oral or receiving oral?
What’s something that you’ve done that you definitely wouldn’t do again, and why?
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Sexy Defined
What are some Job Interview tips from your experience?
Do you ever just blast the song Sandstorm by Darude at full blast in your room by yourself?
Your spouse is offered 1 million dollars if they have sex with someone else. Do you tell them to take the offer?
what would you do if you just found out your friends dad was on your OnlyFans and he just booked a video call?
April in Orange
Just going to ask it. Who has nudes on their profile?
Philosophy question about the parking lot sale. If I purchased some Quinn sockets but I didn't post any pictures did I really purchase them at all????
Do you think Trump is headed towards an inevitable public medical collapse? If so, what do procedures do you think there are in place, if any?
What abandoned YouTube channel do you think about?
If you could ask Donald Trump anything (and he magically had to reply truthfully), what would you ask?
What’s a modern trend you hope disappears in the next 5 years?
If someone told you they masturbated thinking about you, how would you feel?
What are some useful things that were discovered/invented from unfortunate circumstances or unethical experiments?
Which subreddit do trump supporters hang out in?
How would you describe your genitals using only 1 word?
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Where’s the strangest place you’ve been buck naked?
Have you ever had something sexual with a friend?