The laptop my college is advertising students to buy…
Death comes to collect your soul, but offers to let you live if you can beat him at a game of your choosing, what game do you pick that's unwinnable by either party?
I need someone in my bed 🥺
Anyone know how parking works during spring break?
Just kiss the ring!!
I reallyyyy need to go shopping but we making due until then 💅
Overheating (@fukuroumori) [Fire Emblem]
Why do Americans prefer the MM/DD/YYYY date format both in written and spoken?
wtf is this?
My mom thought I would get SA’ed if I moved in with another non-cis person
can someone explain this to me like im 5?
AIO or is my boyfriend
Bounce Serve Rules
Junimo Kart - why are some coins set up so collecting them guarantees you die?
Why did they use the Rock Wall theme for the trailer/pre-main menu cutscene?
It should be legally considered a crime against humanity for anyone under the age of 15 to access the internet outside of school
Sixflags pizza slice price.
There is no c(arro)t
Skull Cavern Elevator users know.
What should I do with the bottom-right corner of my farm?
My personal favourite🤤
I think that "Gender and sex are not the same" being the go-to first argument people make in defense of trans people has set us back years in actual public understanding.
Our dresses for the TEA’s pre party
You're in a tournament and it's the third game. The score is 8-9-1. Would you rather be the team serving or receiving?