Charlotte wedding dress shopping
Hey, everyone! A new Lifetime movie called “When Lauren Still Smiles” is coming out this fall! 😂
Paul pulling another fake stunt 🙄
Javi is going to be on Kail’s podcast
Tyler showing himself working out .
What is your least favorite storyline on the show?
Cate’s body shaming language in podcast
Cate: what if she’s got gross beef lips?
jenelle & Tori
Teen Mom Cast.. MAGA
🌵An Austin Reunion (Part 2): The time Nehemiah REALLY needed you to know he’s not gay and told a totally true story about two hot bartenders begging him for a threesome. Also, Wes & Jo go public, Danny gives Mel a sponsored engagement ring, and we roll credits with everyone yelling at each other.
Jasmin’s due date
What team mom related hill will you die on?
Teen Mom’s Bar Smith freed from jail after just 8 months for kidnapping estranged wife Ashley Jones
🌵An Austin Reunion (Part 1): The time Rachel apologized for being bullied, Nehemiah asked the studio audience to clap for his assault charges being dropped, Johanna seemed like she’d probably rob a bum again & Big Shot Danny arrived with a nuclear spray tan and a fresh new attitude.
🌵 The time Danny, Lacey, Melinda, Johanna, Wes, Nehemiah and Rachel (still only a few hours removed from a massive fight) said goodbye to Austin and the Real World for the very last time. It’s been a fun rewatch, thanks for joining 🫡
I regret being nasty so I’ll be nastier 💁🏻♀️☢️☢️☢️
Nathan?? 😅😅😅
People Magazine
Karine Martins is facing arrest and deportation for missing child support payments
Tailor Made was a plant??
Jenelle’s 3AM Twitter spiral
what movie emotionally tore you apart?
The veterans shun Danny after Frank exposes his scheming
Amber brings home new man after first date 👀