Anybody else miss normal poops?
If price did not matter, what stroller would you get? What car seat?
How much had you gained by 21 weeks?
“You don’t look pregnant, just fat”
Amazing Green Beans @ Madam Mams
If you drink, when was your first drink after giving birth?
How many times did you get up to pee last night?
Are there any moms out there that were on Metformin during their pregnancy and have a 7+ year old?
Can we normalize putting what week you are in your post? It would be so helpful! I’m reading symptoms, what I ate today, health questions, what I weighed today, etc. and it would be so awesome to know what week whoever is posting is in!
What could I do with all of this soapstone? We have it left over from using it on our fireplace.
My soul dog died suddenly tonight at 7 years old
What's your first meal going to be after you give birth?
What has been your favorite snack while pregnant?
What was your golden’s timeline after cancer diagnosis?
When did you feel your baby move for the first time?
Thoughts on circumcising baby?
Can I get a roll call for one and done with a son? I swear I read so many comments that say “my daughter” or “she” when referring to their only.
Calling moms “mama”
If you were to eat only one fruit for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Sweetheart White Stilton Cheese
I thought the lethargy was supposed to go away in the second trimester. I’m 15 weeks and I’m still sooooo exhausted. Could fall back asleep when I wake up. I go to bed at a reasonable time, too. Is anyone else still so tired?
Anyone else struggle with motivation in first trimester?
1st trimester foods
Made my first chia pudding, and it turned out so good! Super easy, low-calorie, and really filling. Only 248 kcal for the whole thing!
I get anxious for my husband’s newborn shift