I've decided to call my name literally what it is: "An action roguelite for when you have 20 minutes to spare". I wanted to cut off all the fluff and stand out by just being very straightforward about my game.
Tips to improving wiimote accuracy
Protest in Belgrade today, 800,000 people.
How do you tell apart a time when you faced a cheater and when you were just being salty?
Working on mobile game. Honest feedback needed: Does this look fun? Would you play this game?
Solo programmer working on MOBA game, but 99% of art is store bought assets. Does it seem ok?
Oque está acontecendo no Ceará é um absurdo!
Did I completely misinterpret the end of the Brutalist?
Em 24 segundos, TJPB vota e aprova R$ 234 milhões retroativos a magistrados…
O que deu aquela história do "Deep Fake" do João Dória?
Can you think of any tactical RPGs (or any turn-based combat game that involves movement) that use the same AP/stamina/energy pool for movement and attacking?
Most smart people know that demonizing others is how good people do bad things. What most smart people don't know is what it feels like from the inside to demonize somebody. It doesn't FEEL like demonizing. It feels like you're facing a demon.
Busted cheating with pants down
Megafil : Allocution de Macron
Um carro de luxo e um popular param na faixa de pedrestes. O PM vai multar qual?
Spacecraft destruction effects (UE5, Embergen, Niagara, MetaSound, No Chaos Destruction). Game: Verse Project
Is it bad form to throw Zangief's lvl 3 super instead of a SPD on a nearly dead opponent?
Born Again
O orgulho
Mais uma da shrinkinflation
Cherche un jeu vidéo PS1/PS2
Demi Moore deserved the oscar
Taxa de roubo vs desigualdade por UF no Brasil
Se as pessoas soubessem o que aconteceu nessa votação do Oscar, ficariam enojadas
Brasil gasta 4 vezes mais que a média global com tribunais de Justiça, aponta Tesouro