When dave goes 'whats the situation?' and they both spontaneously plan on how to avoid being seen by mrs kim lol
does owen even like women?
Charlotte's wedding announcement in the Times
Cosy Shed, Ravensberger 1000
Anyone else have an irrational hate for a man?
fiction on mouthwatering desserts (NO ROMANCE!!)
Biological horrors
Does Anna really not know who April’s father is?
As much of a jerk as Big could be, he never once put down Carrie’s (admittedly frivolous) interests. Her other serious boyfriends sometimes did.
how would gilmore girls be if it was made today as an HBO show?
How I’d fix AJLT
The Girls Response to Steve Cheating
Justice for…
In case you were curious how much the leather chair cost
What's your, 'I'll die on this hill' opinion about the show? I'll start, towards the end I found Jim's side less engaging and didn't look forward to them as much
Single Ladies: How do you keep your house clean?
What is this for SATC?
What is this for Grey’s anatomy?
Leaving husband after 13 years
Tacky or fashion
Are A-levels important in getting high paying jobs?
lol I never noticed this detail till now
I wish I could send a message back in time, to the morning I exchanged, telling myself not to do it
How the other half live