Do your feet/arms fall asleep quickly?
Share your photogenic cat friend
Im so happy but so stressed (docs appointment)
Should I go to the hospital?
Best beta blocker?
Best bar for a date?
Can you pass crohns onto your kids?
"The MRI drink won't upset your stomach."
Desk chair & crossing legs
Facial flushing when fatigued/after shower or meals
My cattle dog mix started Prozac…wish her luck 🤞🏻❤️
What does you tired ACD look like?
Is it possible to have POTS and not be disabled?
Blue chrome
Whats your favorite band?
DAE flare up when they cry or have strong emotions?
Did it work instantly for anyone?
first time getting ombré!
feeling like you have a fever during flare?
i want to go to there
Give me your favorite song and I will rate it out of 10. I will respond to every comment for the next 24 hours
New-ish to the game: tips for getting stronger?
Someone's butt got too big to fit under the bed so this is now he sleeps now
Why does my cat sleep like this?
Can crohn disease affect your heighr