Has anyone else noticed that Mormons (especially males) lack social intelligence and maturity?
Mission leadership told me the best thing I could do for my mentally ill mom, who had no other family, was to serve a mission and they did not allow me to contact her more than the usual twice a year. When I returned she was far worse.
Energy healing : Has anyone heard of this book?
Knowing you are breaking hearts when you tell people you leave
What is the worst thing about the Dating norms of the church iyo ?
Did anyone else serve a “mini mission”?
Trying to mentally prepare myself for my dad's possibly "mormon funeral". Please help!
my sister's funeral today and of course the mormons had to make it about them
My nephew just got a mission call to Uruguay. I am glad. There is a greater chance of him leaving the church now.
Do you feel the church creates an environment where beauty is prized?
Sheri Dew reframing what a “prophet” is. 🙄No, Sheri, I don’t go to a “prophet” for “advice” or “help seeing around corners”. For GoD’s SaKe, a prophet only matters to me if he actually PROPHECIES!!!
Mormons & flat earth (& hollow earth)
Is it hard to live in Utah as an exmo?
Why I Don’t Keep in Touch with My Mormon Mission Companions
Most braindead thing you've seen/heard a TBM say or do.
Why Matt Harris’s Second-Class Saints is a Must-Read for Understanding Race in Mormonism