Random prismatic pack found in Asda
572474800157 groudon kygore shiny add me
Palkia add me ill invite 276932460915 3 minutes left
Palkia Raid 2210 5313 6725
Dialga 952166399020
Primal Kyogre raid- 3 locals 146530912611
2 more spots for dialga raid, starting in 2mins 358120373460
Omg this has to be one of the best shinies in the game
Giratina raid on me now
Hoho in 20mins - 2347 6889 9919
Celesteela raid on me addin 10 9509 2323 8206
Celesteela raid, 6729 6431 0393
Kleavor on me 2326 2464 9627
SHADOW Gligar Raid !!!Add me - 3249 0549 4859 - to be invited. ALREADY HAVE 3 LOCAL !!! looking for 2-3 more add for invite
Boosted Tapu koko adding up to 10! 6890 4179 3938
wb tapu koko again! blue gym.
Terrakion raid rn on me
Weather boosted Terrakion 1266 7082 8831
mega gyarados 9770 8050 3945
Mega-Gyarados, add 3599 4970 0369
3821 9854 4865 Sharpedo
Guzzlord raid 7886 3437 1838
kartana raid on me! adding first 10!
ADD ME FOR KARTANA RAID 4626 9799 9124