People who do this in waiting rooms, why?
Help Me Name My Opus
Finally thawed, bunch of these white matted areas on my lawn? Any thoughts?
New Ohio resident -- Got vehicle registeration and Tag but no sticker in mail!
Who tf is out there egging cars??
Coworker involved in SERIOUS hit and run ‘wasn’t allowed’ to turn himself in. Still a free man.
Certification Label Question
What's the largest vehicle you've been in a pursuit with?
Received two offers for different dealers and can’t decide between GM or Lexus.
Digital Proof Of Insurance
Towing stolen car in a home’s curtilage
Help identifying a logo
Unpaid for 4 hours every pay period
Newly-hired Walbridge, Ohio police officer fired after being accused of sending nude images to underage girl
Duty flashlight(s)
Fastest speed you ever clocked someone at?
Doing own oil changes on new-to-me 04 Fat Boy
What did one saggy boob say to the other?
What made you decide to become a detective/join a specialized unit?
How did she even become SoS??
Getting residue off streamlight
Mechanical failure?
What are some useful websites to use on duty?