which scene in which movies were the most disturbing to watch as a kid?
The fall of Ruby Franke
is there even a guy like this on g&g?
Lindsay’s hair
Poor guy can’t even have a staycation with his wife without her filming it…
How embarrassing
An extra bean? No
Favorite Episode and Why?
somebody was looking for this and this is CRAZY
Milina and Ashley
I liked the show better…
New Instagram Update Is Horrible / Rant
So ungrateful
Unsafe parenting
literally no chemistry
Was this really necessary?
I'm gonna post in here for this one...
Can we revive this sub
"E" names for girls?
What do I watch now??
[ Removed by Reddit ]
Can we say TMI!?
Lolol why is this on us weekly 🤣🤣🤣
S5 is rumored to begin filming in April next year