How Effective is Music Promotion on TikTok? (North Americans 18+)
[Academic] How Effective is Music Promotion on TikTok?
the sweetest little face
wowo’s day out!
Ready for the weekend!
This dude turns 5 today! Would you guys please wish Louie a Happy Birthday?!
happy office drawer pup’s new work fit #wowotd
Extremely flat face?
Took pictures of our dogs with the new camera ☺️
WIBTA if I told my mother she must wear a dress at my wedding?
[l] [m21] I have had a rough night, I would love some kind words to wake up to
Soooo my bf is going to propose at the end of the week (WOOHOO) and I’m getting my nails done Thursday. Maybe we can have a vote? Current nails are shape and length of #6
My girlfriend pointed a firearm at me during an argument and i can't stop thinking about it
Giving nicknames to nicknameless names.
Adobe is shady company, canceling a free trial for an annual contract has early termination fee of $30. Of course, I did not read the fine print believing that free trails are really free. DO NOT SUBSCRIBE FOR ANY FREE SUBSCRITIONS FROM ADOBE
Disney you've taken a lot away from us recently... Don't even think about touching this vintage relic.
Today is my birthday but no one wished me.
[TOMT] [Video] [2010s] A vine joking about Shirley Temple
60:101 DVD Logo that hits the corner at the end.
[SW] Thing 1 and Thing 2 selling for 625
[SW] Nooklings Buying For 426
[SW] Twins buying for 422 bells
[SW] R2 and Chewie buying at 502
[SW] Tanuki Chans buying for 457 each.
[SW] Nooklings selling at 323!