Chess GM Magnus Carlson at 13 years old getting bored playing against Garry Kasparov (2004).
Found the Freedom Space Station
Giant travelers confirmed
No man's Pixels, art I made in homage to the game, using some of my assets
Really like the gravity storms!
TIL: You can pilot the Nautilon on land!
House Speaker orders Democrat Rep. Al Green to be EJECTED for speaking up against President Trump's address
August 9th, 2026 is No Man's Sky 10th Anniversary. Here are 16 updates that would finally achieve Hello Game's vision of a living, breathing universe.
I found this S-Class in the wild. Very few slots... is it worth buying?
Constellation (on planet Vs galaxy map)
Did I just discover Earth?
Hang on. That’s not my spaceship…
So, Ryan is still on Hello Games team? This screenshot is from a 10-year-old trailer "No Man's Sky: Galaxy gameplay trailer"
Woke up to someone giving me 153 Salvage frigate
Quem disse que o Lula só fala mentira
I sent fathers corpse back to the institute 🙂
Donald trump esculachou governadora
I just got to the anomaly and a guy gifted me 15 million. What do I even spend this on?
Found a gas giant that looks like a sun.
Canadian Naval Diving Academy takes graduation picture under water.
Just started playing today and this happened
Alguém acordou na força do ódio
Esse filho da p***, depois de ajudar a ferrar todo mundo mete essa, esse aqui sem dúvidas é um dos seres humanos mais desprezíveis na terra.