Yellowjackets S03E07- “Croak” Post Episode Discussion
Coach’s possible fate?
Yellowjackets S03E07- “Croak” Live Episode Discussion
“Have you all forgotten where that leads?”
what’s the current community consensus on survivor mari?
If you get them all, you’re the new Antler Queen
Do we actually think….
Ben Scott
Lottie's laugh and possession
Ep 7-10 and Simone’s [Redacted] Spoiler
Does _______ #1 recognize them?
How The Story Ends…
the supplies
Supernatural or Insanity
had to draw nat from THAT SCENE in 3.6
___ will get shot with the ___
Can I just say how glad I am…
This sub for the next six days
Yellowjackets S03E06- “Thanksgiving (Canada)” Episode Discussion
Which cast member do we think this is referencing?
The YJ cast gives one word Season 3 spoilers…
Did any one notice this in episode 5
Are we sure there are only 8 survivors?
Where is all the leather coming from??