Some fun/meme builds I’ve come up with and have seen around, more description on each build down below
I hate nurse
How y’all liking these outfits?
Anyone else getting into unemployed lobbies recently?
The bloodwyrm helmet for knight
Thoughts on me maining knight.
While Pinhead leaving the fog does suck this is actually a good thing for killers for 3 big reasons
Here’s my list of how much fun I have against them.
Will Pinhead still receive some balance changes?
You should buy everything from this license. 50% off in the store
Tell me your survivor main without telling me his/her name
Bro what
So salty for no reason
Anybody been seeing a lot of RPD offerings lately?
Tips on spirit?
twice i’ve had a match around 7-8 mins. are the tweaks working!? will play more and see the average.
Any tips for Nemesis on console?
This is somewhat not my experience but the person who messaged me is.
I’ve never been so scared going against a survivor before 😭🙏
updates and maps
My thoughts and other people’s thoughts on the Freddy rework
Yay or darn: opinions on freddy rework after it being out for a couple days
Strongest loop found in the game