I would like to make this cardigan what type of yarn should I use?
i can’t stop rereading Deep End by Ali Hazelwood
I am looking for pattern to a similar dress
What books have stuck with you and why?
Ranting about attitudes towards romance novels
I tried the long and short stitch for this bag I'm making for my friend
How can I fill this in?
A couple of dolls I made
Ali Hazelwood
Do you breathe in while taking your measurements?
Which Hero and Heroine stay on your mind all the time?
What e-reader do you use?
Illegal used for your crochet hooks?
🔥 It's time for Thirsty Thursday! What book scenes made you sweat this week? 🥵
If you could choose a fantasy mate who would you choose
I don't get the love for acrylic
Books Where She Comes Quickly
Those who have been crocheting 10+ years, how did you learn?
Is it just me or are some people on here a bit mean sometimes?
AITA for not buying my daughter’s painting when no one else did at the high school art show
I'm looking for a pattern for this dress or a top that has this off the shoulder part
All time favorite book couple?
Give me your weirdly specific book turn-offs or ons
I actually love cartoon covers on books
The Demon's Queen by Katee Robert