Tweaking rn need any1 to calm me down
Took 2.5 tabs bad trip
Finally Found USA Market Kent's After Searching for a Year
1200mg trip report
What is your nearest death experience?
I don’t know you but I know everything about you AMA
I’m waiting for it to kick in. Anybody wanna chat when I’m fazed?
What's one thing that your ex gave that you can't get rid of?
Without saying its name, what's your favourite movie?
Yo I ain’t gonna lie this shit sucks. Probably the worst brand I’ve ever had.
stick n poke teddy bear i did on myself
i’ve been high for 4 days
Wondering about Tizianidine
Hey please read.
I will answer your questions with a song title, AmA
I'm having an awful night and I'm kinda drunk ama
Need help with my config
Need help
I have no personality, help!
Extreme social anxiety - need help
I have 15 siblings. AMA