AITAH for telling my husband that you don’t lose weight magically after going to the gym?
I've come back because you all need to see this precious baby
Said no to raws - and that was it
Guys, What’s Your Take on This Weird Coppery Scent I Sometimes Notice Around Women?
to not have your political movement devolve into open fascism
You know things are getting bad when Blackwater mercenary Erik Prince is the voice of reason
I’m hearing distressing sounds from my downstairs neighbor’s apartment. Who do I call, and what evidence do I need to have a tangible impact in this situation?
How young is too young when you're 33?
Men over 30, I'm a single mom to a 18 year old young man. What fatherly advice did you recieve that aided you through life the most?
Why do you think many women look down upon others (esp men) that enjoy gaming as a hobby?
How many vegans acually care about bugs?
Nazi Bar
Why do most men prefer women with long hair?
What’s the hardest part of being a man today?
AITAH? for my response when my sister's husband commented on my husband's manhood?
My wife wants our 3rd child to have her last name. Our first two kids have my last name. Is this a big deal? Anyone else in a similar situation.
I helped my neighbor unlock her car with my AAA. Instant regret.
Divorced men, what were some early subtle signs that things were not going to work out that you only noticed in hindsight?
What got you banned from a sub?
Men who rejected a woman, what was your main reason?
AITAH for no longer meal prepping portions for my wife?
How would people react if Obama or Biden, even jokingly, declared himself king?
Freetube no longer works and devs are deleting bug reports. what alternative to freetube is there