Screen zooming in and out
Is it time to give up on the hobby?
that's a lot of damage
If Batman fears bats, what is your superhero name?
Best caption wins…
Im broke
Starting to collect Pokemon cards - 1025.
Does a controller like this exist but for a 12.9 inch iPad?
Who’s in your Big Three?(tank, dps, support) here’s mine
The glitch disappeared
Do you avoid downloading games cause of rating.
It is finally on netflix for free!!!
You have such towers that you haven't used or you have completely forgotten about their existence
Netflix Cancels Six Announced Games Before Release
Weekly /r/iOSGaming Discussion - What have you been playing lately and what do you recommend?
What superhero is most commonly referred to as their actual name more than their superhero name?
Here to Slay Vinyl Figure
How did someone place 2 sun temples there in co-op?
Best boardgames / card games for kids.
Pick your favorite mutant and tell me the reason!
Marvel United or Champions for family (9 and 11 kids)
Opinions on Snapdragon Pho from Costco?
Upcoming update - cross save?
$40,000… My life savings… gone…
What’s a great example?