After / Before - Paris
The Black Community Series: Our People Still Coming Out Of The Last 400 Years Like...
Does this mirror look good here?
When you come in braindead on Monday morning and stare blankly at your screen for 8 hours, who do you bill it to?
30M, freshly divorced, ex-wife took the kid, do your worst
Does Trump *Even* Want To Pardon Chauvin?
I just turned 40 , have worked at top companies and made a bunch of mistakes - here is what I wish I knew 20 years ago
Neighbors won’t stop driving through my yard
Semetic languages of eritrea
Changing from colonial name
Current State of Affairs in the Subreddit
After mars
475,000 year old structure in Africa forces us to redefine Human History
Deloitte Benefits
Any recommendations for seats on LGW-BKK club world?
What’s a random hobby you’ve always wanted to try?
BA's eternally hopeless IT
Just finished season 3
Everyone who comments I’ll prompt ai to make your username into a picture
The Global Black Diaspora: Young Black Russians...
Important to know! Remember to stay squeaky clean during your visit.
Transfer T212 “Invest” to “Stocks ISA”
Gold retention/demotion
(CONTROVERSIAL)Had to say this
I just turned 25, any life advice?