What are chances child can get into a 4 year university?
EA decisions coming out today (24 Jan): UMichigan, UFlorida, UNC, UMaryland.
Can someone without fucking maxed stats post on here for once?
SUNYs that have single dorms with bathrooms?
What are some of your favorite applications so far?
Application fee waiver codes for class of 2025
I'm College Essay Guy! I've spent the last 15 years eating/breathing/sleeping college essays. Working on your college applications? Ask me anything on Sept 9 @ 7-8pm ET (4-5pm PT)!
old tyler fans that bully new tyler fans for being "bandwagon fans" (finding out about t from flower boy/igor) are literally bandwagon fans,just from an earlier times.
What unusual body part turns you on?
What are some not so fun facts?
Who is wrongly portrayed as a hero?
You might die. But you also might get laid.
Watch Gravity Falls
Yea yea I get it
Go ahead
What is a non-life threatening illness/disease that you fear of the most?
Being a bigot isn't ''edgy humor'' its being a fucking idiot
What guys want (。•́︿•̀。)
Men of the reddit. How did it feel the first time you got a blowjob?
I said what I said
Married couples. How do you turn down sex, without offending your spouse?
What’s Something Normal That’s Been Sexualized?
They’re totally gonna fuck later. 😏 (IDontKnow_Art)