Note taking tips ?
My ANC is dead.
Zane and Heath’s favourite vine?
Cynthia is not becoming a victim of cancel culture
I’ve been debating whether to make a post but why not lol… any high+ compatibility?
Airpods max vs sony xm5 (same price)
Matt and David
Is it just me or is D. Savage copying Yeats work on his new album?
Wrong Term
Why i love sativas but i hate indicas so much?
Anyone’s APM absolutely just suck?
opinions on maru taking a break
Who is still waiting for decisions for fall 2025 admission?
I fear the time is coming.. 😔
Well? What are you?
CUNY Academic Advisors Masters of Making You Question Your Life Choices
I’m So Screwed
Sony XM5 vs Airpods Max
Unfiltered Hot Takes 🔥
What’s one adlib from yeat you sing every time you hear it in place of the lyrics it’s overlayed on.
Am I Cooked?
What was the first time you ever listened to mac miller
Interesting - could this be The Weeknd?!
Dylan’s sponsorship ads are driving me crazy
What’s two songs that you think display Mac’s artistic growth?