For the Once Upon a Time show fans…
Trying to complete Mr. Qi's ' let's play a game ' quest:
Do you believe that Trump will try for a third term?
What historical Tudor figure are you related to?
People who voted for Trump: be honest, no judgment - is there any regret?
Most of the Republicans I know have now come to their senses
YouTube/Documentary suggestions
List of where they’re will buried or effigy etc…
Should i be giving my ferrets this
Almost 7 year old acting out but is it age appropriate?
Can someone tell me how to install mods on mobile
The physician that I work with is Islamic, and his native language is Arabic. For Christmas, I burnt a cutting board with an Arabic phrase for him.
Does anyone else name their animals with a certain theme?
My Coop Area (Summer, Year 4)
What's something all 50 states should teach in schools?
What's a skill you wish you had, but have no motivation to learn?
First playthrough, what can I do with giant fruit?
Who died before their prime?
What kind of pets do you consider weird?
Tell me your farm name (for science)
How to get the smell off whipped cream out of your clothes and off of your body?
What are y'alls farm names?
Middle names for Dakota?
What’s your grandmothers name?
Who would you say is the most well known dragon?