My travel map so far at 28. Trying to get out a little further
Bought my first Blackstone. Super disappointed
Thought I'd check in on the LGOs
How do I dispose of these?
VC and Taliban have entered the chat
How do you score low balls deals on Facebook marketplace?
Wow! Check out the swastika at Colfax and Josephine. I wish I was joking.
I think about this all the time
TikTok is now offline
As a luigioid…
Why do police officers have such bad aim?
This sub is being brigaded by trumpets and they need to be reported.
Japan is living in 2100
If printing more money is bad for the economy, is destroying money by ripping or burning it good for the economy?
Random gas station bathroom in Kentucky "do not press this button"
Paying attention to your kid also helps.
Anybody else think the amount of upvotes this post has gotten is a but suspicious like the Kamala ones during the election?
Cool story bud
How do these people get a license?
I love Indianapolis
How do I raise my bf’s self confidence about his tool?
Large snus and np order. First time loose snuse islay whiskey
You're not allowed to park here.
I don’t remember this being in “Adventures from the Book of Virtues”
Review left on a can of self defense pepper spray